
It is simply amazing to see the love of these

Such a huge amount of tenderness in their actions will not leave anyone cold. Cats are gentle not only to humans, but also to each other. They are repeated three times, as if they become a mirror of the relations of the owners or, what is even more interesting, on the contrary, the owners learn […]Read More


The number of these Australian ants is growing, they are

Climate change could lead to an increase in ant numbers, not a decrease. Increased rainfall has led to a boom in these insects. Climate change may lead to an increase in the number of ants. Scientists came to this conclusion after 22 years of observations in the Simpson Desert in northern Australia. Scientists expected that […]Read More


This dog was hungry, he licked the door for so

When this dog was hungry he pressed his muzzle to the door and licked it. Sometimes the facial expressions of animals are so expressive and funny that simple everyday photos turn into memes. Here’s what happened to this dog that waited a long time for a treat. Anna Dunford, owner of two Siberian huskies Bear […]Read More


The parrots don’t want to leave the bed of their

In this funny story the parrots wake their owner up and refused fly away. Parrots are truly unique: amazing birds that are simply impossible not to love. They are quite smart, especially valued for the fact that parrots can copy different sounds. These creatures also fall in love with people and perceive them as their […]Read More


The owner of this dog was able to capture the

This dog decided not to hold back his emotions anymore and show his character. Sometimes there are situations when a dog, despite a strict upbringing, decides to show all his character. And what is happening most often entertains the owners. It’s just impossible not to shoot on camera, not to share videos with friends. For […]Read More


This is probably one of the most unique football matches:

At some point, a dog appeared on the field, which quickly confused all the players. The situation occurred in Georgia, where one of the meetings of local teams took place at the stadium. And while the game was really good, it wasn’t the one that got everyone’s attention. A dog appeared on the field, which […]Read More


This cat has become an employee of a beauty salon:

A cute and affectionate kitty has become a real happy mascot of the team. This cat-Betty is a big celebrity in one of Melbourne’s salons. Since the opening of the famous salon, there is an employee who has never gone on vacation in 4years. The owner of the salon is happy to talk about her […]Read More