
A commendable act of a crows: these birds has learned

These birds trained to collect cigarette butts and other rubbish in trash cans. Unfortunately, the current state of the ecology of the entire planet leaves much to be desired. Moreover, many still stubbornly continue to dump garbage on the ground, in the grass, as if imperceptibly, not noticing the special bins. This is especially true […]Read More


Very funny scene: this dog feels like a human and

Indeed, this dog despite his size, he considered himself a small child. It happens that dogs begin to compete with people or other animals for the priority of the house. Make sure they get a lot of attention. A very funny video appeared on the Internet a long time ago. Its author, Gillian Harris, decided […]Read More


Here is a touching story: after a long time the

This story is about how a rabbit can have strong feelings towards its owner. Unfortunately, many are accustomed to perceive such headphones only as food. Few people dare to have rabbits at home as good and true friends. But in fact, they are also quite capable of loving, respecting and rejoicing. And if someone has […]Read More


This wonderful Mandarin Duck is considered one of the most

Mandarin ducks are considered one of the most wonderful birds in the world. Male mandarin duck are so beautiful. These birds are native to East Asia where they can be found in abundance. However, in Britain they feel quite comfortable. Populations of these incredible birds appeared there after ducks imported from China escaped in the […]Read More


Life is boomerang: this woman refused to swim where the

The dog instantly rushed to the side of the sea and dragged the child to the shore. This story took place on a beach in Italy, where animals are officially allowed. Lucky is a Labrador who previously completed a special water rescue course. Labradors are known to love water, they do an excellent job of […]Read More


This kind woman saved the life of a cat which

The woman offered to take the cat for herself, and helped him from euthanasia. This couple had a cat named Sonic. In this family, he lived carelessly for 5 years. But when Elena had a baby, the pet’s life changed. Parents paid all attention to the baby. Sonic also turned out to be defective. They […]Read More