
Terrible story: a boy set fire to a dog that

The cruel act of a child boy will horrify everyone. There are such cruel and heartless people in the world that it is impossible to even imagine. A boy burned a dog and left it abandoned. The dog was found in a very sick and exhausted state. Fortunately, the vets were able to save the […]Read More


Accident in the life of a young boy. The sad

James William, 22, was killed, and his dog attended the funeral. All dogs feel both joy and sadness. When James William was killed, his dog did not leave the grave after his funeral. He lay on his fresh grave. A young boy and his girlfriend were recently found shot. The girl was not dead, but […]Read More


Rescuers spent hours trying to get the poor goat out

This 8-month-old goat was stuck in a pipe. Rescuers are always ready to help animals when they are in dangerous places. One day, one of the residents suddenly heard the goat screaming. They immediately called the rescue service, but on the first day they couldn’t get the goat out of the pipe. A day later […]Read More


A heroic step by rescuers: they rescue a dog from

A husky dog left on the 15th floor manages to be rescued. Firefighters do great work to save lives, but sometimes they save animals, too. Once in Virginia, the fire department got a call that a building was on fire. They managed to save people and one dog. The rescuers explained that it was easier […]Read More


With his last money the boy buys feed, and with

The whole world appreciates the act of a caring and kind boy. There are few people in the world who care about stray dogs. Ken Amante, a 9-year-old boy, spends his money to feed street dogs. Children buy good food for themselves, but this boy buys dog food. One day the boy’s father notices the […]Read More


The caring dog always huggs and comforts the little girl

In this story, the dog is just indescribably close to the little girl. We know that pets, especially dogs, are always with their owners and ready to protect them. This dog has become a close friend to the little girl. Harry is a Retriever who always protects You-You when her parents are angry with her. […]Read More


Golden Retriever focused on the kitten: she is shy to

The interesting intimacy between a dog and a cat has surprised many people. When animals encounter another species, they get a little confused and don’t know what to do. The story of this dog Lucy and little kitten Joe has gained a lot of views on social media. Lucy’s family took good care of her, […]Read More


What a wonderful scene։ the giraffe takes care of her

This animal was very aware of her responsibilities after giving birth. It is very interesting to watch animals being born. Sometimes people see it in zoos. Memphis tourists saw a giraffe give birth earlier than expected. Tourists who came to the zoo had no idea they would see this interesting sight. The giraffe found the […]Read More