«Lolita in 1997 and now!» This is what happened to American actress Dominique Swain

 «Lolita in 1997 and now!» This is what happened to American actress Dominique Swain

2️⃣7️⃣ years have passed since the release of «Lolita»! 🎬🤩 Back then, everyone had a crush on the young beauty with cute braids! 🫠💘 The actress, who is already 4️⃣7️⃣, seems to still be stuck in her youth! 😏 Be ready to see her new photos in this article! 👇

It is the second screen adaptation of V. Nabokov’s novel of the same name starring J. Irons and D. Swain. The movie premiered in Europe in 1997 before being released in the US in 1998 later being watched all over the Globe.

Millions were captivated by the unique beauty of 12-year-old Lolita who is still believed to be the one who portrayed that character in the best way having no equals in the industry. It is worth mentioning that 27 years have passed since it graced our screen.

«Still stuck in her 20s!», «A forever girlie», «The greatest movie ever!», «The best Lolita of all time», «Am I the only one who rushed to double-check her age?».

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