Lovely reaction scene: this is a loyal lioness which saw the man who saved her 7 years ago

 Lovely reaction scene: this is a loyal lioness which saw the man who saved her 7 years ago

Lioness sees the man who saved her 7 years ago and she had a great reaction.

Animals never forget, and this applies not only to elephants, but to all creatures that have ever experienced love and human touch.

A lioness named Kiara, after a character from The Lion King, was rescued by a cub. The man who rescued her, Alfonso, took care of her for a while until she needed to move her to a shelter with other animals.

Years passed and Kiara was again moved to a new home, this time in New Mexico.

She had no idea that someone special was waiting for her there.

Alfonso was looking forward to reuniting with Kiara but didn’t know what to expect. However, Kiara’s reaction literally knocked him off his feet. The realization that the man standing right in front of her eyes was the man who had given her a new life when she was still a child made Kiara jump on him with excitement.

Her reaction is something you definitely don’t want to miss.

Take a look at it in the video below.

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