«Men eat meat, not bones!» Tess Holliday wore a bikini and left no room for imagination

 «Men eat meat, not bones!» Tess Holliday wore a bikini and left no room for imagination

A 340-lbs model showed herself in a bikini and caused a furor on social media! 👙🏊The footage is NOT for the faint-hearted people! 🫣🤐Even skinny models envy her self-confidence! 🤩 See the plus-size star’s spicy post in this article! 👇


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Публикация от T E S S H🍒L L I D A Y (@tessholliday)

Every one of you has probably heard of her, one of the most talked-about and scandalous American plus-size models, who could start a new era in modeling and break all the beauty standards and stereotypes. Every time the star posts a photo or a video, it results in mixed reactions.


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Публикация от T E S S H🍒L L I D A Y (@tessholliday)

This time, she was bold enough to share a video of her swimming in the pool wearing a revealing bikini. To say that the followers were not ready for this is nothing to say. She showed more than anyone expected and left no room for imagination.

«See a doctor or else you will have serious problems», «How can we unsee this?», «Enough Instagram for today!», «Who’s going to tell her that this is not attractive?», «Isn’t this already too much?».

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