«Mysterious hole surprised everyone»: the locals found a hole in the forest and did not know what it could be

The photos that the man took became very popular.

Once in Estonia a group of local residents walked through the forest and stumbled upon a mysterious hole in the ground.

He was deep and dark, and there were no visible signs of what could cause him.

The locals were puzzled and could not understand what it was.

The photos that the man took became very popular.

Some of them thought that it could be a funnel caused by groundwater erosion.

Others suggested that this could be the result of some kind of underground explosion.

Nevertheless, others believed that it could be an ancient well or even a hidden treasure.

Despite their curiosity, the locals did not dare to explore the hole further.

They were afraid that this could be dangerous, and did not want to risk their lives.

However, they were also very curious and wanted to know what was inside.

Police and firefighters arrived at the place, who together carefully examined the hole.

After a thorough investigation, they determined that in fact it was an old, abandoned well, which was covered and which was forgotten for many years.

Local residents learned with relief that the hole was not dangerous, but they were also disappointed that it was not something more exciting.

Nevertheless, they were grateful to the authorities for the help and unraveling of the secrets of a mysterious hole in the forest.

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