New species of monkeys were found in Brazil, which, unfortunately, are at risk of disappearance

 New species of monkeys were found in Brazil, which, unfortunately, are at risk of disappearance

Almost all of them live in the Amazon and inhabit endangered forests.

A group of scientists discovered in the Amazon a new species of wide-skinned monkeys from the Monkey family.

Primate was named Mico Schneider in honor of the Brazilian professor Horatio Schneider, who made a huge contribution to the study of the diversity and evolution of monkeys.

Monkeys from the genus Mico belong to the family of monkeys, including more than a dozen species. Almost all of them live in the Amazon pool and inhabit the disappearing forests.

At present, no environmental measures are being taken to protect the habitat of rare animals.

Scientists walked around the jungle and sailed to the canoe, and during all this, they lost the sounds that make monkeys track their reactions.

The collection of samples was carried out with the permission of the Institute for the Preservation of Biodiversity. Chiko Mendes and in accordance with all protocols established for studying primates in the protected zones of the Amazon.

As a result, 598 samples of skins were obtained, which covered all the well-known types of Mico, as well as Callibella, or a tiny monkey.

Then the researchers conducted comprehensive tests, including DNA analysis, which allowed them not only to compile the most accurate map of the spread of monkeys but also to find a previously unknown look.

In the case of a monkey of Schneider, the most noticeable differences were the color of the wool and the total size, as well as the range.

In total, in the Amazon there are 146 species and subspecies of primates, which is 20% of the global diversity of these animals.

This is the greatest variety of primates in the world. Learn about another local fauna, which is under threat of disappearance.

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