«Not a disorder, but blessing from God!»: This is what the baby born with a heart-shaped mole looks like today

 «Not a disorder, but blessing from God!»: This is what the baby born with a heart-shaped mole looks like today

Do you remember the child born with a birthmark in the shape of a heart? The doctors predicted it would soon disappear, but here he is 6 years later!👀

Just imagine the surprise of the parents of this absolutely unique boy when they first saw him! Initially, the father tried to wipe this birthmark off but after some unsuccessful attempts, it turned out to be not a piece of dirt, but a birthmark.

The baby’s name is Chinar. Do you want to see him now? 6 years have already passed since his birth and this is what he looks like today. The birthmark, of course, got lighter, but it hasn’t disappeared yet.

According to doctors’ predictions, the mark would disappear by the time he turned 6, yet it still is with him and makes him stand out in public. It is needless to say that no single one can stay indifferent and not to sincerely admire the adorable boy.

His family, relatives and friends can no more imagine him without his distinguishing feature and never cease to show him their unwavering support. This is what he looks like at the age of 6.

He is an easy-going and smart personality with charisma and sense of responsibility.

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