«She had the eyes of the 1970s!» This is what happened to American film and TV star Meg Foster

 «She had the eyes of the 1970s!» This is what happened to American film and TV star Meg Foster

Back in the 1️⃣9️⃣7️⃣0️⃣s her crystal blue eyes drove everyone crazy! 💙🫠You might remember her from «Adam at 6am», the movie which catapulted her to fame and recognition! 🤑🤩The beauty on whom everyone had a crush has already turned 7️⃣6️⃣, can you believe? 🤔Hold your breath before you see her recent photos in this article! 👇

It goes without saying that no matter how well we take care of ourselves, how much we are physically active and how many beauty procedures we undergo. All this plays no role when ageing comes as it takes its toll on each and every one of us.

This concerns celebrities too as neither of them can escape getting older. Today’s article is about Meg Foster. Back then, millions were in love with her raw beauty and striking sky-blue eyes. It was in the 1970s’ «Adam am 6am» where she was lucky enough to play alongside M. Douglas.

She is also remarkable for her roles in «The Twilight Zone», «The Six Million Dollar Man» and «Murder, She Wrote». As Mademoiselle magazine claimed, she had «the eyes of 1979». The actress has chosen to age naturally and is still actively involved in the TV and film.

«Still stuck in her 20s!», «Those crystal eyes drive me crazy!», «It’s impossible not to fall in love with those mesmerizing eyes», «Ageing like wine looks like this».

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