«Spilled the tea!» Owen Eliot-Kugell reveals her late mother’s real image in her memoir

 «Spilled the tea!» Owen Eliot-Kugell reveals her late mother’s real image in her memoir

Cass Eliot’s daughter gets candid and reveals the true story about her mother! 🤫🧐Owen disclosed the whole truth through a book. 😮📖Are you interested in the details? 🤔 If yes, see the article and discover more! 👇

Late Cass Eliot’s life story has been shared by her daughter through a book titled «My Mama, Cass». It is scheduled to be released next year and has already attracted public interest. She has admitted that it has already been a decade she has been working on it.

There is hardly anyone who doesn’t know Cass Eliot, a member of the Mamas and the Papas who gave the world many hits. Sadly, she passed away at the age of 32 in 1974.  Regardless of this short period, she had left her forever mark on the Rock and Roll.

The book revealed details about her early life, upbringing and involvement in the 1960s’ counterculture movement. She mentioned M. Phillips and D. Doherty, individuals who were relatively closer to her legendary mother.

Owen gets candid about various aspects of Cass’s life revealing that she had complexes about her weight and self-esteem also mentioning the ham sandwich incident which she found inappropriate and disrespectful.

She portrays her as not only an artist, but also a devoted single mother and faithful friend who prioritized true values and put her family first.

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