«Story, that can surprise everyone»: a unique waterfall turns everything into a stone

 «Story, that can surprise everyone»: a unique waterfall turns everything into a stone

Limestone deposits build up on the surface of the objects and turn them into stone.

The study of the miracles of nature can be an exciting and useful experience. Shipton Cave, also known as the falling well, attracted the attention of people since 1630.

One of the main reasons for its popularity is the growing properties of spring water. Items in contact with water are petrified over time. Limestone deposits accumulate on the surface of objects and gradually turn them into stone.

Although the power of water may seem magical, science has given a reasonable explanation for this natural phenomenon.

The water in the source contains a large amount of soluble limestone. When water comes into contact with the object, people hung up various objects in the spring centuries to observe the petrification process. In the water, a men’s hat and a female cap from the 1850s are still visible.

It was believed that she predicted several important events, including the Spanish Armada, the Great London Fire in 1666, and even the invention of the mobile phone.

Despite the legend and bewitching properties of water, visiting the Shipton Mother Cave-imprisoned occupation in the fresh air. Holding various objects in water and observing the petition process can be a funny occupation.

It is always interesting to explore the beauty of nature and its oddities, and the Shipton Mother Cave is an excellent example.

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