Sue from «Crocodile Dundee» is not the same! New scandalous photos of Linda Kozlowski are surfacing the network

Those who watched «Crocodile Dundee» will recall this beauty with blonde hair and unparalleled charisma! 😍🎬 It was back in 1️⃣9️⃣8️⃣6️⃣ that the comedy film came out starring Kozlowski who portrayed Sue and captivated millions of viewers! 🤗👏 However, time didn’t spare her too! 😬😕 The fans didn’t recognize the actress in her most recent photos which can be found in this article! 👇

The peak of the drizzling career of this outstanding actress was the 1980s when the American comedy film graced the big screens and became a hit of the time. She brilliantly portrayed Sue, the character that captivated large audiences. Her ethereal beauty and charisma left a forever mark on the industry.

However, time spares no one, even A-list actors and actresses and she was no exception too. Years passed and Linda no more has the same allure that she did decades ago towards which no single soul could remain indifferent. Since then, she has led a quiet lifestyle far from the spotlight and little has been known about her personal life.

Kozlowski has undergone many age-related changes that make her look even unrecognizable. She has grown her hair and gained some weight that makes it hard to believe that it is actually the on-screen Sue before our eyes.

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