Sweet awaited reunion: this lovely dog is finally back with her soldier girl

Seiko didn’t recognize her sister at first because it was so long ago.

When a soldier is sent on a business trip, his loved ones always miss him. Although it is difficult to be apart, it is always pleasant to return home.

As we all know, people aren’t the only ones who miss their extended family members. Pets may be sad because their buddy is no longer around to give them a hug or throw a ball. So it goes without saying that they will be thrilled when they finally walk through the door!

One father managed to film one of these touching reunions. But it didn’t start like some others…

When Seiko’s human sister, Bailey, left for Kuwait, she was a puppy. Bailey returned home a year later and was overjoyed to see her loved ones, including Seiko! Remember Bailey? The reunion video, posted by YouTube user knox2613, begins with his daughter standing alone at the front door.

Instead of the family German Shepherd coming running and kissing her soldier sister, she wonders who is standing there…

Seiko is initially unimpressed by the “stranger”.

According to the AKC, German Shepherds are naturally protective of their family members. Unsurprisingly, Seiko’s first reaction is to bark at Bailey, whom she doesn’t seem to recognize after a year apart. Everything changes in a few moments. Bailey, dressed in uniform, kneels to greet Seiko.

A German Shepherd sniffs its human sister, and then the most touching thing happens…

As if finally clicked – she recognized her!

Get ready to say “Awww”. The dog’s tail starts to wag wildly with delight, and she goes crazy trying to give Bailey love.

Even though Seiko was just a child when she left, it looks like she remembers her!

Seiko radiates the joy of a child on Christmas morning.

While it’s impossible to know what she’s thinking, she almost seems to be saying, “It’s you!”

You are the one! What did you do? “I have something to tell you!” Naturally, Bailey enjoys their special moment together and is amazed at how big the dog has grown.

A German Shepherd that can’t contain herself. Seiko needs a release of energy after spending time with Bailey at the front door. She takes a toy from the living room and gets zumi!

She runs around the house with a toy, making the reunion even cuter than it is.

The video has been viewed over 15 million times on YouTube.

It also received hundreds of thousands of positive reviews and many people left positive comments such as:

“You made me cry, oh my god, so cute”

Someone added, “Even a billion stars can’t melt my heart like that”.

This video is sure to brighten your day and make you smile. It’s wonderful to see how Seiko’s confusion turns to ecstasy as he realizes who’s home.

Watch the video below!

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