The caring dog adopts newborn opossums and carries them everywhere on her back

 The caring dog adopts newborn opossums and carries them everywhere on her back

It seemed that they would not survive, but then a miracle happened.

These five little opossums were orphaned after their mother was killed by a dog.  It seemed that they would not survive, but then a miracle happened, and they met a dog that became their mother.

Stephanie Maldorado, a Brazilian dog trainer, rescued the tiny creatures.  There was almost no chance of surviving because the babies had not yet opened their eyes.

Human care was not enough for newborns to continue to live.  In addition to round-the-clock care, feeding, and cleaning, they needed warmth, which could not be given.

Sensing those tiny creatures need love and care to survive, sweet dog Stephanie Pretigna began to show affection and protection towards them.

She hugged them all the time and kept them warm.  Pretigna behaved like a surrogate mother, and everything worked out!  This fantastic dog even took care of the babies on her back like their real mothers.

In fact, baby opossums are fragile creatures that require special care from specially trained rehabilitators.  These animals do not suckle, so you need to know more about caring for them.

Obviously, Stephanie and her dog were confident in their steps, because soon the little ones began to grow.  Now they even walk with their new «mommies».

Pretigna is proud to be the mother of a gang of possums.  It’s fun and touching to see them climbing up their mom’s back.

Again and again, kindness saves lives.

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