The cat hoped that someone would feel sorry for him and feed him.

The cat asked for help from people, expecting someone to feed him.

One day the cat came to a house and started crying. A woman who lived there saw that the poor cat had no ears. The cat was probably moving only by the smell of food.

That woman, Isabel, felt very sorry for her and realized that she had to take him to a livestock center.

Cat sat on the threshold and asked for help; he hoped kind people would fed him

The woman started to be interested in social networks to get information about the cat. And he found out that he is an ordinary street cat and has been wandering in the streets for more than a year.

After the medical examination, it turned out that the cat has many problems – blisters, wounds, infections and other diseases.

Cat sat on the threshold and asked for help; he hoped kind people would fed him

The terrible thing was that the cat was found to have a lack of immunity. The veterinarian prescribed antibiotics.

The cat was named Hansik. In just three months, the cat got up.

Cat sat on the threshold and asked for help; he hoped kind people would fed him

When the cat was fully recovered, it was taken to a shelter, at first it was a little difficult, then it got used to it.

At the moment he lives in a temporary family, has adapted and always growls when he is caressed.

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