The height of unique woman is almost a meter: this is how the short winner of the Guinness record lives

Apparently, because of her small size, they don’t take her anywhere.

A woman of 109 centimeters set a record.

Vanessa became the smallest mother. Record was made on March 20 at the link. Vanessa became a mother two and a half years ago.

On September 18, 2017, she had a daughter of Evangeline. Then she decided to check this achievement in the book of records, which had long been interested in it.

Then she recognized the sad news-the smallest mother in the world died.

«The thought came to my mind: who is the smallest mother now?

I searched for a long time in Google and found nothing.

Well, specifically, I found an unofficial mother, but her growth was more than mine», said Vanessa.

«I decided to write a letter in the book of records, and it turned out that there was no one before me, and so far I am alone». His recording was recorded by video communication.

With the help of a laser rangefinder, she measured her growth, and representatives of the Book of Records of Russia recorded her on Skype. The whole procedure took about 20 minutes.

First, the range finder showed a height of 107 centimeters, then 109 centimeters, and for the third time -108 centimeters.

«Despite my very small growth, I was able to become a mother. Many call it heroism, but I see nothing out of the ordinary».

«I really hope that with my example and my history I will show people that everything is possible», the website of Vanessa Kozhemyako reports the website of the Book of Records.

Earlier, journalists published an article about a girl who mentioned that it was difficult for her to find a job.

Apparently, because of its small size it is not taken anywhere.

«They don’t even take me on elementary works».

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