The kind and caring woman decided to go to the village and take care of a hundred lonely dogs

Our heroine completely changes her life and devotes herself to creating a shelter.

When friends laughed at her and said that four-legged friends are good creatures in the world, she always recalled how a grandmother dumped a little granddaughter from courtyard dogs and came up with a horror story for the girl.

She assured them that it was enough to stroke the dog to become infected with rabies or pick up some other infection.

And suddenly our heroine completely changes her life and devotes himself to the creation of a shelter, where he collects sick and homeless dogs. As it turned out, everything happened not so spontaneously.

The girl for a long time first donated money to various animal shelters. Later, she decided to help those who photographed dogs and posted pictures on the Internet.

Suddenly waking up love for animals, it was uncontrollable. The girl very soon started a dog for herself, then two more. A few months later she already had 7 dogs.

And then life sent her a test. At some point, our heroine was left without work. After long thoughts and consultations with her husband, she decided to move out of town to a house remaining by her grandparents.

It was also important to do it also because in the apartment the number of dogs that were in the family was very difficult to support, and there were more places and opportunities outside the city.

In a few months, the number of dogs has increased three times. The couple did not stop, selected everyone who found.

As a result, after a year and a half, 100 dogs were fed. Among them were animals who did not see and did not hear anything, dogs with broken paws. Yes, what kind of diseases they did not have?

The girl turned to the Internet and found a remote job. Now she can take care of dogs and simultaneously earn money for their maintenance, because a hundred patients, but with a good appetite for animals you need to feed every day.

The girl and her husband are optimistic about the future, they are not going to stop there, they want to continue to help animals further.

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