The kitten with unique fur fell into a cat’s family after he was found on the road lonely

 The kitten with unique fur fell into a cat’s family after he was found on the road lonely

The kitten weighed only 82 grams and was extremely small.

Two months ago, Melissa from Tiny but Mighty Kitten Rescue (Cornwall, Ontario, Canada) took a pregnant homeless cat.

The cat’s stomach burst a few weeks later in a foster family, and she gave birth to a magnificent litter of kittens.

The kitten weighed only 82 grams and was extremely small.

Despite everything, she was alive and talkative, for so long surviving alone.

Melissa immediately offered help, knowing how maternal love can help an orphan.

The intention was to bring Jenie, kitten, to June, cat mother, after she passed a medical examination.

The kitten was born with feverish wool, which can happen if the mother is sick with high temperature or experiences stress during pregnancy.

Jenie, being a newborn, demanded constant feeding and care.

Since at this age she could not control the temperature of her body, she was placed in a warm incubator after each feeding.

She waved her little paws delight after good food.

Jenie overcame the mark of 100 grams in just three days.

Jenie continued to grow and gain weight over the next four days.

The sections of her wool darkened, giving her a unique shade.

The tiny lump of fur finally was ready to meet his new mother at the age of two weeks.

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