The locked cougar in one of the New York apartments is finally released and taken to a sanctuary

Fortunately, this cougar was transferred to more comfortable place from the apartment.

It’s incredible how some people want to carry wild animals in their apartments.

But no wonder there are many who still illegally keep them in their apartments.

Cougar that was kept in a NYC apartment rescued and taken to a wildlife sanctuary

The other day a man called the authorities and reported an 11-month-old cougar in his apartment. The reason for the animal’s departure is as unknown as the reason for its presence.

Or maybe it had become dangerous for him to be in the same apartment with this animal.

Cougar that was kept in a NYC apartment rescued and taken to a wildlife sanctuary

The Humane Society of the United States has found a safe place for the animal to go free.

It will never end happily unless the owner gives up his idea.

Cougar that was kept in a NYC apartment rescued and taken to a wildlife sanctuary

Indeed, big cats are very cute and fluffy as babies, but after a few months they become dangerous to humans.

The animal’s life will be much better now. We are glad that the cougar has found peace in the sanctuary. He didn’t deserve to be kept in a small room.


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