The mother convinces her child to say “mama” in return for which she will give tasty things, but the dog learns faster

 The mother convinces her child to say “mama” in return for which she will give tasty things, but the dog learns faster

In this story a mother is seen trying to persuade her infant to say “mama”.

One of the most common fears parents have when they bring a child into a family with a dog is that the dog will feel neglected because parental interest will instinctively attract the child.

According to a recent study, this fear is not as unfounded as many people think.

Dogs, it turns out, envy each other and compete for attention. And it all makes sense if you think about it.

After all, many pet owners give their dogs too much attention and treat them like children.

And suddenly everything becomes a competition, sometimes with hilarious results. What happens in the video below certainly fits the bill.

The video shows a mother trying to convince her child to say “mom” and reward him with a bite from her plate. But he has no idea that the family dog ​​is also interested in what he has to offer and will do anything to get it.

Despite the child’s obvious attempts to say the phrase, the dog wanted food more than he did. And, believe it or not, the cute and incredibly smart dog wins by being the first to say “mom!” Have you seen anything like this before?

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