The owners did not expect their beloved dog to welcome their new member in this way. It’s amazing!

 The owners did not expect their beloved dog to welcome their new member in this way. It’s amazing!

What a warm welcome!


Meet Finn, a friendly dog, who is so kind and caring, and enjoys making new companions. 

This year his Christmas present was given a bit earlier, but he was so happy to have such an amazing surprise from his humans.


It was Gus, an 8 week old cute pup, who came into his life and became his inseparable part just from the first day. As for Finn, he welcomed his new friend with happiness, and his cute reaction amazed the owners a lot.


At first the parents wanted to put Gus in a box and gave it to Finn, but then they changed their idea thinking that it would be better for both of them to meet face by face for the first time. 


Now they are inseparable and enjoy doing everything together.

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