«The power of genes!» The striking resemblance of these people is something beyond

 «The power of genes!» The striking resemblance of these people is something beyond

Exclusive photo session showing the incredible power of genes! 😲👏 Those who still underestimate the influence of genes, this article is for you! 😮 The photos of relatives who look like carbon copies of each other can be found in this article! 👇👇👇

There is no one who at least hasn’t heard of the power of genetics. The resemblance between relatives is easily explained by the system according to which our organisms function.

However, there is sometimes such striking similarity between family member or those from one generation that leaves absolutely everyone speechless. Here is an photo session showing that nothing can take power over one’s genetics.

Three generations! How incredible it is!

The photos of a grandpa with his grandson at the same age!

When her granny was the same age! Can you even believe?

There were four generations between them!

How much the girl and her father look like each other!

This is something out of this world!

Their resemblance is striking!

Isn’t this the same person? No way!

A carbon copy of his father!

This cutie’s mother looked exactly the same her age.

The same mesmerizing eyes!

Even the bangs are similar.

A father and a daughter!

How much this girlie looks like her dad!

The incredible similarity between the grandpa and his grandson is beyond!

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