This complaining husky is constantly dissatisfied with the empty bowl

This dog is famous for his complaints every time.

You may hear about Zeus, the stubborn husky. This boy is known for complaining every time something goes wrong.

This time he was screaming and whining over an empty water bowl. His mother finally understood when she saw that Zeus had put one foot in the empty bowl.

Finally the owner of the husky took the bowl and asked the dog to rest. Zeus did not stop making noise.

Zeus - ''the stubborn husky'' runs out of water, mom listens to his disapproval

Zeus couldn’t let this happen again. He continued to whine for a long time.

Never dare to leave a glass empty.

Zeus - ''the stubborn husky'' runs out of water, mom listens to his disapproval

The owner tried to explain why she left the glass empty, but Husky did not want to listen to her.

Luckily, when the woman placed the full bowl on the floor, her dog stopped whining and drank some water.

Zeus - ''the stubborn husky'' runs out of water, mom listens to his disapproval

From now on, after this kind of disappointment, a woman will never leave a bowl empty.

It’s okay if some of dogs are a little stubborn.

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