This is how interesting animals can be: the dog gave birth in the vet-clinic, the father dog was waiting at the entrance
Not far from the clinic the father-dog was patiently waiting for his girlfriend.
It happened in one of the veterinary clinics in the city of Karnasica with a population of 300,000 Brazilians. Cameras caught the dog sitting at the entrance.
JoãoAureu Rodríguez deOliveira, who worked at the facility as a veterinarian, examined the dog. It turned out that she was going to give birth, being in the last stage of pregnancy.
The clinic was concerned about the fate of Amiga-the dog, because it did not have a collar and a chip, since she apparently did not have an owner.
The animal was safely released from the load, giving birth to six pups on the veterinarian’s table.
But the amazing events don’t end there. Not far from the clinic, another dog was patiently waiting for his girlfriend.
The doctors housed a family of unusual dogs in their facility. Everyone is healthy, waiting for good owners in the future.
It is unusual to see a male waiting for his girlfriend, but at the same time very nice to hear about it.