This is how the happiest woman lives. She had eight babies, twelve years later

The news of such a multiple pregnancy has circled the whole world.

Nadya Suleman became famous in 2009, when she gave birth to eights.

The news of such a multiple pregnancy flew around the whole world and caused a stir in medical circles.

Nadya and her children a week after the birth set a world record: all the children survived, which is unusual when children are born ahead of schedule.

For a long time, the name of Suleiman did not leave the pages of the press.

Some scold Nadya, a single mother, for the reckless act of the birth of eight.

Others admired his courage and determination.

But more than 12 years have passed, and everything is fine in the Suleiman family.

How did she come to the fact that without a husband became a mother of many children, and how does she live and look now?

At the age of 20, Nadya Suleman married, but four years later the couple broke up, they had no children.

From an early age, an American knew that she had fertility problems, and immediately after marriage she began to be treated for infertility.

But when all therapeutic methods did not help, she turned to the fertility specialist Michael Kamvara.

A few years later he was expelled from the American Society of Reproductive Medicine just due to the scandal with Nadia.

An American made her first attempts while still married.

But the procedure did not end in childbirth.

But Suleman did not cease to hope.

She gave birth to her first child in 2001-her son, after a while her daughter was born.

Nadia did not end there: she had four more children, including twins, one after another.

By the age of 30, she had four sons and two daughters: Elijah, Amera, Joshua, Aidan, Kalissa, and Caleb.

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