This unique scene of two widowed penguins embracing has caught the attention of many people
This photo’s poignant story is an allegory of longing for a lost love.
This touching photo has already garnered reactions from users around the world. A little more details about this pair of little Australian penguins we know
It took German photographer Tobias Baumgertner several days to “catch” a good shot.
A lighter older woman lost her partner about a year ago. The dark penguin is her companion in misfortune, a young male.
His girlfriend also died. Animal rights activists have noticed that widow penguins regularly meet at St Kilda Pier in Melbourne and spend hours touchingly comforting each other.
Animals do not just stay nearby, they show care in every possible way, clean their feathers and hug them with their wings.
Volunteers say they spend hours cuddling while watching the city lights.
Blue penguins are called little penguins for a reason. Their height is only about 33 centimeters. Animals choose a partner, usually for life.
The photo was highly appreciated by the professional community. Oceanographic magazine honored Baumgertner with the Ocean Photograph Awards.