«Turned herself into a plastic doll!»: In pursuit of eternal beauty, Basinger has undergone multiple surgeries

 «Turned herself into a plastic doll!»: In pursuit of eternal beauty, Basinger has undergone multiple surgeries

The fans didn’t recognize the iconic blonde of the 1980s after countless surgeries😱


Previously, millions of people simply adored this legendary blonde. In the 1980-90s, her name was known worldwide and she was believed to epitomize female beauty. Believe it or not, she is now 69 and has undergone countless operations.

In a desperate pursuit of eternal beauty, she has undergone multiple surgeries that have spoilt her irreversibly. Many believe that she is not the same iconic blonde. Some rushed to claim that her appearance now resembles that of a plastic doll.

«It seems she has been stung by dozens of bees», «Why spoil yourself so much?», «Nothing left of the former iconic beauty», «What is wrong with her face?».

Now, it is your turn to share your opinion about her in the comments below!

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