Very tiny and cute baby seal was looking for help and protection from people

Upon closer inspection, they found a baby Baltic seal.

Employees of the Yacht Club located in Strelna once in February noticed a small animal, slowly crawling on the ice.

At first, they thought that it was a puppy, but upon closer examination, they found a baby seal.

Workers reported on the find to zoo defenders, who quickly arrived at the scene.

An examination of the baby showed that he was born three days ago-not a dry umbilical cord pointed to this. The fluffy animal turned out to be a female.

An abnormally warm winter made its own adjustments: the baby appeared ahead of schedule. In normal conditions, he was supposed to appear closer to the end of February.

The newborn needed special care and was placed in a special box. It created conditions suitable for growth and development, every 2-3 hours the baby was fed with a mixture of minced meat and fish oil. Reliable hands did not allow the baby to die.

Later, she was released back to her house-the sea and no longer returned. This is not the first time that the seals are helpless, and we, people, are their only rescuers in such situations.

Thanks to animal lovers, the baby got a chance to live. She was very lucky!

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