«Very touching act of a man»: the son organized a trip around the illness for a sick mother

He claimed that he wanted his mother’s final months to be the most wonderful.

Upon learning that his mother, 83-year-old Mary O’Neill, suffers from Alzheimer’s disease, 44-year-old Sean O’Saly took her on a one-and-a-half-year-round-the-world journey.

Before her death, Mary visited Nepal, Italy, and South Africa. O’Malley claimed that he wanted the last months of his mother’s life to be the most remarkable.

Sean allowed Mary to see the beaches of South Africa, the mountains of Italy, and even the festival of colors in Nepal before she died in 2021.

At 77, Mary was diagnosed in 2015. Sean then lived in Rome. According to him, «the biggest event that has ever happened in his life», was his late mother.

Mother and son in Nepal adored him.

Sean says: «We walked along the lake and watched the children play».

In April 2018, after Nepal, Sean brought Mary to his apartment in Rome.

Sean explained: “She recognized Rome because I led her to my home several times. There she loved to go to her favorite eatery and local churches.

Mother and child left Rome in July because it was too hot and went to the Umbria mountains.

Mary died of lung illness on May 24, 2021, in South Africa.

Sean said that in the last months of his life, he liked to spend a lot of time with his mother.

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