What a beautiful story: this wonderful dog served as a therapy dog for an old woman

In the early morning and late evenings, this dog serves as a loyal dog to her owner.

A 35-pound Australian Shepherd/Shiba Inu cross is living a double life.

The 1.5-year-old dog has become an emotional support dog of sorts.

Jade has been used to being around Heath since she was 8 weeks old.

But that all changed after Heath’s girlfriend saw someone who could use the loving company of a dog.

“My girlfriend runs a home care practice. For as long as I know her, she visits a client she loves very much and cooks breakfast and dinner for her.

This elderly woman’s dog died on the anniversary of her husband’s death last year. Apparently it destroyed her”, Heath wrote on Reddit.

So Heath suggested that Jade visit a client’s house to cheer her up.

The woman immediately fell in love with Jade.

And apparently the feeling is mutual, as Jade enjoys spending time with Mrs. Riddle. “Jade leaves in the morning and evening every day. Jade seems to understand that she is old and frail and deliberately gentle.

She and Jade have breakfast and dinner together. She bought Jade what looks like a mountain of toys. When we say ‘Jade, do you want to go to Mrs Riddle’s house?’ she jumps up and giggles and moves closer,” Heath wrote.

Jade is at Mrs. Riddle’s house from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. daily. In fact, this is her main job.

She is overjoyed to see that Jade has brought so much joy into someone’s life.

Especially when she’s spending time at home alone, waiting for Heath to get home from work. “My darling spends so much time away from me, basically being a therapy dog ​​for someone I don’t know, which I think is great.”

Heath decided to share his story about Jade on Reddit in hopes of making others happy.

Besides, she just likes to talk about her as much as she can.

“Jade is wonderful, but she is also very protective of me and those she considers part of our group. She is very gentle. She sits next to me as I write this,” Heath told Bored Panda.

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