What a wonderful scene: this caring mother eagle protects her eggs even under heavy snow

 What a wonderful scene: this caring mother eagle protects her eggs even under heavy snow

Footage shows the stoic mother enduring the harsh condition for her eggs.

When it comes to protecting her children, nothing is impossible for a mother. Nothing shows this better than this faithful eagle that keeps its nest safe and eggs warm despite being completely covered in snow.

The incredible spectacle took place in Shepherdstown, West Virginia and the moment was captured on wildlife camera.

The footage, which shows the stoic mother coping with the ordeal, was originally posted on Facebook by the National Environmental Learning Center.

Wildlife officers watch this bald eagle nest with a wildlife camera. Mother Bella and father Smithy have been laying eggs in this 100m nest since 2011.

As you can see from the video, this couple makes incredibly devoted parents. Something that is very common among bald eagles, who are willing to do anything to protect the nest, even if it means taking shelter in the snow and enduring the cold.

“Eagles are amazingly good parents,” said Randy Robinson, a National Conservation Training Center specialist. “They will sit on their eggs day and night, 24/7”.

Bald eagles usually lay their eggs in early spring, so they sometimes have to endure harsh weather conditions, including snowfall and freezing temperatures, but this does not prevent them from keeping their nest warm.

In fact, early hatching is a huge benefit for the chicks.

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