What courage: this brave pit bull tries to protect and fight for two children who were attacked by a cougar

 What courage: this brave pit bull tries to protect and fight for two children who were attacked by a cougar

Here is Morocho, a dog who defeated a cougar to save two little girls.

A couple of months ago, Ulises decided to go to La Cocha to do some work. His goal was to go on a trip and return the same day, so she ordered his 10-year-old daughter “Sofa”. The journey went smoothly.

Once in the estancia, the Whis began to do some work with the overseer “Thomas”. “Sofa” and also “Yoli”, “Thomas’s little girl”, asked permission to go to a huge fig tree 700 yards from the main house to pick and eat some figs.

Yoli walked as far as she could to the highest branch, knowing that the tastiest figs usually grow at the top of the tree. There was only one concern. She wasn’t the only one to climb that tree.

Yoli began hearing sounds in the tree when she was about 7 feet above the ground, such as the twisting of branches and the movement of leaves.

She had no idea that the cougar, sometimes referred to as the mountain lion or puma, was hiding in the same tree.

She looked up and saw a BIG cougar jumping from the leading branches. “The beast hit the young man with its paw, and Yoli copulated down, falling on her back from a height of 2 meters”.


Morocho, one of Ulises’s leading dogs, was playfully chasing them, wagging his tail, as he mostly does when they treat all over the estancia.

When Yoli’s father listened to the women’s cry, he raced as fast as he could, and when Morocho went one on one with a cougar, the Dogo Argentino decided to risk his life to save two little girls.

“I assumed it was a snake,” Thomas Bracamonte said. “I came famously. I hurried to them as fast as I could”.

When he arrived, he opened Morocho. The dog was seriously injured but was still active. Puma was different from us.”

These two little ladies live today thanks to Morocho. Morocho’s valiant efforts have stunned countless people around the world.

God bless him, our hair are Angels judging us all!! God bless him!!

Please don’t scroll without offering him some fun!

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