«What did she find in this grandpa?»: Photographers accidentally filmed De Niro with his young partner

 «What did she find in this grandpa?»: Photographers accidentally filmed De Niro with his young partner

Camera lenses captured rare footage of De Niro with his child and young girlfriend! 🧐🤭 The scandalous photos still surface the network! 😲👇

Despite his senior age, Robert De Niro has recently become a father for the 7th time. Paparazzi never miss a single chance to film the prominent actor with his partner and their little heir.

The non-standard partners are often caught together in public. Especially the appearance of his young lover never ceases to pique people’s interest.

Though some sincerely admire them considering this couple one of the strongest and suitable ones, the others are quick to heavily criticize them for their big age difference.

«I could hardly recognize my favorite actor here», «How long have I slept? Is he already with grayed hair?», «What did she find in him?», «Girl, go find another man!», «Age is nothing when you meet your soulmate».

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