What kind of girl was Marilyn: a selection of rare photos of Marilyn Monroe from her early childhood

She had no father, and the circle of guardians very often changed.

Norma Jean was born on June 1, 1926 in Los Angeles, South California.

The mother of norm could not give her attention and maternal love, in which she needed throughout her life.

The girl did not have a family.

Around her everywhere there was inconstancy in all areas.

Norma Jean was a good essayist at school. She wrote a lot for the school newspaper.

By the age of 19, the girl worked at the aircraft factory. It was during the Second World War.

Oddly enough, but it was here that its modeling career began.

At his work, women working in military factories were photographed.

This was her first model experience that gave positive results.

Thanks to this photo, she was recognized and offered a photo shoot for a financial reward.

The girl had beautiful brown hair, and the image with them looked harmonious and attractive.

Thanks to her appearance, the norm Jiean received a proposal to work at the Blue Book modeling agency.

Once, the norm has dyed her hair in a platinum blonde and has since adhered to this look.

When she became a blonde, she found her unique style.

Everyone recognized her by color of her hair, fair skin, snow -white smile and red lipstick.

Then, in 1946, a important event occurred in the life of the Jean’s norm – she signed a contract with a 20th Century Fox film studio.

Under the pressure of the director of the film studio, she is forced to change the name and surname to the pseudonym Marilyn Monroe.

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