«Who stole Pitt’s heart?»: This is what the girl who became Pitt’s girlfriend looks like

Exclusive photos of Pitt with his new lover! 🧐😲 Camera lenses captured the actor and his girlfriend enjoying their time together on the yacht! 🧐🔥

Lately, paparazzi have managed to capture the man with his girlfriend and showed the model who could win the heart of the most handsome man in Hollywood. Photographers caught the right moment and immediately shared the photos.

They were enjoying their time together on the yacht and wore minimum clothes. People on social media had mixed opinions about the new couple and rushed to leave comments.

They definitely weren’t ready for paparazzi and had no idea that they were being filmed.

«Am I the only one who likes this couple?», «Jolie, look what you lost!», «Most importantly, he is finally happy», «Pitt didn’t waste time, while Jolie is still suffering».

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