«Winner at the age of 103»: an old woman won gold at the US Senior Games

 «Winner at the age of 103»: an old woman won gold at the US Senior Games

Her talents are tremendously inspiring and serve as an example to others.

A great inspiration for people of all ages, especially the elderly, is Julia «Hurricane» Hawkins.

She participated in the adult games in 2019 at the age of 103 and won two gold medals in running 50 and 100 meters.

Her achievements are still impressive and testify to her desire to remain active and strive for new heights, even despite the fact that she was not able to break her own world record in 100 meters in 2017.

Before he was 100 years old, Hawkins was an active athlete who began with a competition in cycling.

After that, she began to engage in cowardly and, in the end, took part in athletics competitions.

In an interview with Good Morning America, Hawkins said that in Louisiana, work in the courtyard and diet compliance are most of its training.

Hawkins has four children, she is the grandmother of three and the great-grandmother of three.

As she said in an interview with Today Show, she inspires the elderly to continue to go and achieve their goals.

Hawkins also stated that «in 103 every day, this is a miracle. I just continue to get up and return here».

Hawkins said in the program «Good morning, America» that she is happy to get two gold medals and considers it incredible that she was able to do it at such a young age.

Her talents and attitude are extremely inspiring and are an example for others.

We wish Julia good luck because she continues to seek outstanding triumphs and success in her sports activities.

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