«With smokey eyes, swollen face» The latest update of Johnny Depp on social media stirred up controversy

 «With smokey eyes, swollen face» The latest update of Johnny Depp on social media stirred up controversy

The fans mistook Depp for an alcoholic in the recent photos! 😵‍💫🤯People couldn’t believe their eyes when they saw one of the hottest men in Hollywood looking like this! 😳🤫 This is what divorce and unhealthy lifestyle can do to a decent man! 🤫😡See his recent paparazzi photos in this article! 👇

The recent post of J. Depp on social media resulted in mixed reactions. The appearance of once the most attractive and desirable Hollywood actor, best-remembered for his role as Captain Jack Sparrow, is still making headlines.

There is hardly anyone who still hasn’t heard of the scandals between the Hollywood film star and his already ex-wife Amber Heard. The trials failed to go unnoticed and not to take their toll on the prominent and towering actor’s reputation and status. Some showed their unwavering support, while some turned their back from him.

It stands to reason that age and years have had their impact on his appearance too. The American cinema giant appears with long hair, partly ruined makeup and overweight. His appearance has sparked reaction and let no single one remain indifferent. His style has undergone some major changes too.

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