People call this «the worst haircut of the year»: Far not everyone liked the new hairstyle of Wilde

 People call this «the worst haircut of the year»: Far not everyone liked the new hairstyle of Wilde

Olivia Wilde changes her hairstyle and becomes «an ugly duckling» for many.🧐🤔

For a relatively long time, the name of this outstanding and successful star has been associated with scandals and sensational incidents concerning film premiers and achievements in careers. The number of her haters has considerably increased.

This time, she was involved in another controversy with E. Ratajkowski. However, she has decided to focus more on herself, move on, and entirely change her image.

Her radically changed look quickly became the subject of discussion. Far not everyone actually liked it and started to call her «an ugly duckling».

The recent photos of the star with her brand-new haircut caused controversy on the network. Many even noticed that her hair was dirty and rather greasy.

«How can one change so for the worse? », «I don’t think you chose the right hairstyle», «You won’t see anything more terrible than this today».

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