«Happiness has gone, benefits are left!»: Photographers captured rare footage of Lundgren and his young wife

 «Happiness has gone, benefits are left!»: Photographers captured rare footage of Lundgren and his young wife

This is what happened 2 months after the marriage of Lundgren and his young partner! 😱😳 The spouses don’t seem in love with each other anymore! 😧💔

Camera lenses have recently captured 65-year-old Hollywood star Lundgren and his youthful wife Emma Krokdahl. They were filmed during shopping and didn’t look as happy as they did at the beginning of their romantic relationship.

Many affluent and successful men choose much younger partners with a huge age difference and this Hollywood legend became one of them.

For those who don’t know, this prominent actor was married to jewelry designer A. Quiberg with whom he shared two heiresses named Ida and Great. Unluckily, they broke up in 2011.  He met Emma in 2020 when she was only 24.

Shortly after Lundgren’s proposal, they organized a modest wedding ceremony on the Greek island of Mykonos.

People thought that their age difference wouldn’t bother them and they would form a tight and special bond like many couples with such a big age gap. The spouses now seemed disappointed and as if they already lost their feelings for each other.

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