A beautiful story: the cry of a small whale alerted the surfers who rushed to help her

 A beautiful story: the cry of a small whale alerted the surfers who rushed to help her

The two surfers are hailed as heroes for all the right reasons.

Off the coast of Boca Barranca, Puntarenas, Costa Rica, two gentlemen were enjoying surfing in nature.

But then one of them noticed something like a black mass at the water’s edge!

An experienced surfer immediately felt that something was wrong, so he went ahead and took a closer look. Soon he began to hear unusual sounds coming from the area, sounds like a baby crying.

The man discovered that the black lump he and his friends had seen from afar was actually a newborn whale in distress when it got close enough.

The animal was very weak and barely kept afloat. The newborn whale most likely came up the river from the Pacific Ocean and was on the verge of death.

Luckily, the surfers reacted quickly and took the frightened animals as close to the water as possible.

They stayed with the baby for about six hours, during which they tried to contact the authorities, who could help the animal, but received no answer.

Kindhearted people have been able to take the tormented whale back to the ocean and hopefully to safety as the tides begin to pick up.

You can see more about this touching rescue in the video.

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