This mother is a real heroine: a single mother from Uganda raises 38 children by herself

 This mother is a real heroine: a single mother from Uganda raises 38 children by herself

This mother, believe it or not, is raising her 38 children alone.

Most mothers with many children complain that they face many difficulties and have to go through a lot without having time for themselves. And the heart of this heroic woman is so big and tender that she brings up 38 children without complaining about anything.

She alone brings up 38 children, which is simply incredible. The woman shared that her parents forced her to get married when she was only 13 years old. The husband was 27 years older than the girl.

The man had a cherished dream – to have a big family. Firstly, the couple gave birth to twins and were not going to stop there.

When she gave birth to her 23rd child, they rushed to the doctors, who said that the woman really had a great increase in ovarian function. Believe it or not, they had 38 children.

The woman did not regret anything until her husband heartlessly abandoned her and all the children, forcing them to raise them alone.

Despite the broken heart and devastation, the heroic mother did not give up and is now trying to do everything to provide her children with everything they need.

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