These birds are in the family of spurs chickens that don’t have open face skin.
Brightly painted, this bird has bright specks of various shades and shine, from emerald green to chestnut and reddish-brown.
The painted spurfowl (Galloperdix lunulata) is a pheasant that lives mainly on the Indian peninsula in rocky hill and scrub woods.
These birds are the only one in the family of spurs chickens that do not have open face skin.
Their plumage on the upper body includes white dots surrounded by black.
The head and neck of the male are black with a green tint and gracefully dotted with white.
Compared to the male, the female as a whole is duller, with a red head and hiding ears.
Her neck, like males, is pale and crumbling, but there is no white pattern on her body.
This bird can be found in Rajasthan’s Aravalli mountains.
Painted spurs birds prefer a dryer environment than red spur chickens.
Berries, insects and flowers eat here. In the period from January to August, painted spurs of breeds.
Therefore, they lay from three to five eggs.
And the female incubates them on her own while both parents care for the young.