«A future supermodel!» What the baby boy with albinism looks like now sparked reaction

 «A future supermodel!» What the baby boy with albinism looks like now sparked reaction

Redd’s classmates mocked him all the time having no idea that he would become a true heartbreaker! 😮🫢 The albino child born with snow-white hair has already grown up whose new photos you can see in this article! 👇👇👇

Just imagine the parents’ great surprise and astonishment when they learnt about the rare diagnosis of their child. Patricia and Dale were told about their unique baby’s condition when Redd was already two months old. It came as a big surprise.

Redd was always mocked and teased at school due to his non-standard appearance which escaped no one’s special attention. Of his diagnosis everyone was well-aware, yet none of them missed a chance to «remind» him of his uniqueness.

The spouses had another son with albinism too whose photos are heartlessly used on social media in memes. The boys learnt how not to take others’ judgement seriously and trusted in their parents who accepted them just the way they are.

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