A kind and caring woman saw a crying kitten sitting on a wet staircase and gave her baby’s stroller

The ginger cat sat on the stairs and shed bitter tears and sobbed desperately.

One day, returning home, Maria Shakhrai heard a cry from afar. Approaching the source of the sound, she realized that this burning sound was made by a cat. Approaching, she saw a poor animal.

The kitten sat on the steps and wept bitter tears.

It was not difficult to understand why the poor man suffered so much, because it was February and there were terrible frosts. Maria decided to help the unfortunate animal.

Cat sitting on the wet steps was crying bitter tears. The woman who saw this, gave her the stroller of her child

Since the girl already had two cats at home, she did not dare to take the poor cat into the apartment. But it was also impossible to leave.

Therefore, she decided to put the cat in a baby carriage, which she kept at the entrance near her apartment. She also brought food to the poor. Thus, Maria organized a house with a stroller for the cat.

Cat sitting on the wet steps was crying bitter tears. The woman who saw this, gave her the stroller of her child

The cat looked well-groomed, and it was immediately clear that he was a home cat, not a stray. Therefore, Maria assumed that she was lost and began to look for her owners.

The girl printed and posted announcements about the found cat in her own and neighboring entrances, as well as in neighboring yards.

Cat sitting on the wet steps was crying bitter tears. The woman who saw this, gave her the stroller of her child

Maria visited the cat several times, and in the evening she realized that it was getting colder outside, and the cat would still be cold in the stroller at night. Then she decided to take a chance and took the cat to the apartment.

What do you think? Would you bring a cat into your home in this situation?

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