A sweet story: an elderly man goes for a walk with his disabled dog on a cart several times a day

 A sweet story: an elderly man goes for a walk with his disabled dog on a cart several times a day

With the help of dogs, we celebrate love and its possibilities.

An elderly man in Italy walks his disabled dog Dylan several times a day, using a cart and lots of love.

Dogs love their friends and bite their enemies, unlike humans, who are incapable of pure love and cannot help mixing love and hate in their relationships.

Being close to her home in Italy, Sabrina la Grotteria witnessed a scene that touched her heart. And soon it also touched the hearts of thousands of people around the world when the photo went viral on social media.

On a quiet street in the town of Vibo Valentia, an elderly man was pushing his dog in a cart, which seemed unable to move on its own. Sabrina began filming when the couple returned home from a walk.

With the help of dogs, we celebrate love and its possibilities. What is a dog but a loving machine?

An elderly man walks his disabled dog on a cart several times a day.

Although the photo is short and taken from afar, it is a snapshot of his daily life and the dedication of a man helping a dog cope with his disability.

Elderly man walking his disabled dog

Sabrina said

I was so moved that I decided to post it on Facebook.

The tender and touching scene went viral.

Sabrina shared a video with the following description:

“This image contains the word ‘humanity’”.

Tonino takes care of Dylan on a daily basis. He takes him out of the house, morning and afternoon, when the sun is less scorching, he takes Dylan, puts him in a metal cart and rolls him around the block every day.

A man wants his friend to live in peace during the time that he has left. And he wants to be there for him, like Dylan was there for him during the most difficult moments of his life.

Tonino loves his dog Dylan

Tonino was surprised to learn that many people were excited to watch the video, but he hopes it sends a signal.

He told Il Vibonese newspaper:

“With Dylan it was love at first sight, from birth. It’s normal for us to love Dylan, but we’re happy to be able to tell his story. It’s a way to convey to people the importance of respect for animals”.

These images let us know this beautiful love story between a sick dog and a human, a story in a world where animal abuse and abandonment is more common.

Tonino added:

“What I do for him is normal, there is nothing exceptional about it, it’s just out of love”.

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