Amazing story: this kind cat was able to save the life of a child who almost fell down the stairs

 Amazing story: this kind cat was able to save the life of a child who almost fell down the stairs

This is the moment when a cat saved a child from plunging down a flight of steps.

The child is shown crawling towards the stairs before the Siamese cat jumps up and prevents him from harming him.

Crawling up the stairs, one-year-old Samuel Leon looked back at the cat resting on the couch.

He turns and crawls around the room again, driving the cat to the edge of the sofa.

When the baby approached the edge of the stairs, the cat began to act, stepping in front of him and attacking the child.

The kitten throws herself in front of the baby, apparently in a panic, trying to pull Samuel off the cliff.

Stroking Samuel’s hair, the kitten grabs his body with its paws, trying to push him away.

As he cautiously walks away from the steep cliff, the child seems to understand his meaning.

He lies on the carpet in the living room, and the hero cat watches him from the sides.

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