An amazingly loyal friend: this unique dog swam for hours to shore to save his owner

 An amazingly loyal friend: this unique dog swam for hours to shore to save his owner

Thanks to the barks of the German shepherd, his owner got saved.

This incident took place in Australia. The fisherman saw the sheepdog struggling to swim to the shore. A tackle box was floating in the water next to the dog, and a wetsuit was floating in the distance.

The man helped the dog to the shore and called the Coast Guard for help.

Devoted friend: the dog swam to the shore for 11 hours and saved his owner

It became clear that the boat had capsized. A rescue team arrived at the scene. The dog was brought ashore, all this time he whined painfully and tried to enter the water. The search lasted several hours, as a result, one person was saved.

Devoted friend: the dog swam to the shore for 11 hours and saved his owner

The man said that everything happened due to the loss of control of the ship. As a result of the sudden movement, he and the dog were thrown in different directions.

The most amazing thing is that the dog was able to stay on the water for so long, trying to find help for himself.

Devoted friend: the dog swam to the shore for 11 hours and saved his owner

The man hoped that everything would be fine with the animal. According to rescuers, it was found that the dog swam for 11 hours to help his owner.

Love and appreciate your dog.

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