Author: Angelina
Petroica goodenovi is a tiny sparrow bird living in Australia. Bright scarlet or dark raspberry? Whatever color you choose, the magnificent plumage of the bird will be even
The tourist survived the most terrible experience in his life. The young man traveled along the mountains of Utah when he came across the fact that he took
Iridosornis rufivertex is a beautiful bird of the Thraupidae family. This bird proudly wears its cobalt-blue fur coat and a bright yellow cap. Golden -headed Tanagra (Iridosornis Rufivertex)
Sometimes pregnancy turns from ordinary into extraordinary in an instant. Shortly before her 42nd anniversary, at 28 weeks of pregnancy, Kimberly Fugate gave birth. As if this was
In babies, they have different hearts, but otherwise they are the same. Hannah and Dan recently became parents and shared their history of fear and faith that they
He was not yet born, and his life was already in danger. The childhood of Gerard Depardieu was incredibly difficult, sometimes even dangerous. And the actor’s parents are
Photo of a professor of Hebrew University of Jerusalem became viral. Sydney Engelberg from Jewish University in Jerusalem, apparently, can whisper in the ear to infants. A photograph
She even looked like a skeleton covered with leather, and was afraid to eat. British citizen Anna Windley, 21 years old, eaten only one sandwich every five days,
Pharmachrus mocinno is a species of bird in the trogon family. A brightly painted bird with legendary long tail feathers and flickering green, gold and purple color. The
The beautiful dog now fell in love with care for little creatures. Encore and Pax, two small two-week kittens, were transferred from the San Bernardino shelter to a