Beautiful story: this brave 65-year-old woman fights in an icy river to save the life of a husky

A 65-year-old woman jumped into a river to save a dog in distress.

In Russia, a simple walk has turned into a rescue operation. A 65-year-old woman jumped into a river to save a dog in distress.

We can safely say that Galina Voskovykh was not a coward. A 65-year-old Russian woman was walking with friends near the river in the city of Rossoch, Voronezh region, when she heard the cries of an animal.

It was then that she saw the Husky stuck in the water, unable to single-handedly cross the ice curtain and return to land. On that day, it never occurred to a sixty-year-old man to put on a hero’s cloak.

Without thinking twice, Galina Voskovykh undressed and jumped into the river. A brave woman approached Husky and helped him melt the ice.

This unexpected rescue operation was a great success. They managed to get out of the icy water.

According to a Daily Mail article published on February 14, 2022, the heroine would have made the survivor in the silver dress run to keep warm and thus avoid hypothermia.

However, according to the British newspaper, Galina Voskovykh also soon found the owner of the animal, not far from there.

Luckily, he got out alive and unharmed. But keeping him tethered in this relatively dangerous place due to frost could have prevented such an accident … Anyway, this heroic act saved the dog’s life.

After this operation, a sixty-year-old man found cuts and bruises on her body. However, she said that she did not regret her act at all.

The video of the rescue has gone viral. Some viewers considered the Russian’s intervention “dangerous” and “stupid”. Others, on the contrary, congratulated him on his great courage.

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